Talk UX 2017
A 什麼是 Talk UX? a
由一個全球性女性社團 Ladies that UX 所主辦,每年世界各地關注 UX 的女孩們聚集起來,一起舉辦的一場 UX 盛會 ! 在這場大型 Party 中,聚集了所有一整年在 UX 領域 創新努力的朋友們。一起交流、分享、充電 ! Talk UX 即將邁入第 3 年,維持著一貫的傳統,Talk UX 將會是個輕鬆、且歡樂的 UX 盛會 !
A 關於 3 天的國際論壇 a
派對 Pre-Party
10/20 (五) 6:00pm ~ 9:00pm (UTC +8)
Barcode (NEO 19) : 台北市信義區松壽路 22 號 5 樓
在我們的派對活動中,您將有機會會見來自世界各地不同行業的使用者體驗設計界中的佼佼者。 我們非常鼓勵您與他們多交流,聊聊相關的設計技巧和工作經驗。或許,與您談話的人會成為您的設計導師,未來的工作上的夥伴或客戶!
論壇 Conference
10/21 (六) 8:30am ~ 6:00pm (UTC +8)
三創生活園區 : 台北市中正區市民大道三段 2 號 12 樓
2017 Talk UX 論壇講者從人工智慧到娛樂產業,包括研發出 Google Glass 的 Google X 神秘實驗室設計師 Yien Liu、IBM 總公司產品設計經理 Elayna Spratley、Uber 舊金山總公司研究員 Amy Chong,或是2016 美國總統大選 Hilary for America 競選團隊背後操刀的企劃設計 Suelyn Yu、英國華納唱片數位總監Laura Cortes、從數學專業跨足到醫療領域的語音辨識專家 Anna Abovyan 等,都將親自來到現場,分享最寶貴的經驗與故事。
論壇與工作坊 Conference & Workshop
10/21 (六) 8:30am ~ 6:00pm (UTC +8), 10/22 (日) 9:00am ~ 6:00pm (UTC +8)
三創生活園區 : 台北市中正區市民大道三段 2 號 11, 12 樓
論壇最後一天的重頭戲是共 4 場的工作坊,分上、下午各 2 場。先來賣個關子,其中一場的工作坊將由趨勢科技 - 游欣帶領各位玩 UX in the Jungle 桌遊,若還不是 UXer 的朋友們且想體驗 UXer 是個不能錯過這場桌遊的活動啊 ! 每場工作坊會有人數上的限制,因此同一時段還有 Keynote 的活動進行。
A What is Talk UX? a
Talk UX is a three-day conference with inspiring talks and interactive seminars on what's trending in tech today. Talk UX 2017 will be hosted by Ladies that UX, an international community of creative, inspiring women who work in UX. In 2017, Talk UX will be held in Taipei, Taiwan. We look forward to having you join us!
A About 3 Days Conference a
10/20 (Fri) 6:00pm ~ 9:00pm (UTC +8)
The Den (NEO 19) : 5F, No. 22, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110, Taiwan
Meet UXers from around the world who work in a diverse array of industries. Chat about your experience, design trends, and research methods and connect with future mentors, business partners, and clients!
10/21 (Sat) 8:30am ~ 6:00pm (UTC +8)
Syntrend Creative Park : 12F., No. 2, Sec. 3, Civic Blvd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan
Our speakers are coming from the world and diversity topics are related to User Experience (UX). For example, Milagros Liu who is from Google X Lab, Uber researcher - Amy Chong, Suelyn Yu is designing for Hillary, Laura Cortes is discovering The Dark Side of The Moon - Moving from Innovation to Music, Designing for speech - Anna Abovyan and so many other speakers are sharing their story and experience in 2017 Talk UX Conference.
Conference & Workshop
10/21 (Sat) 8:30am ~ 6:00pm (UTC +8), 10/22 (Sun) 9:00am ~ 6:00pm (UTC +8)
Syntrend Creative Park : 11, 12F., No. 2, Sec. 3, Civic Blvd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan
Workshop is coming last day of 2017 Talk UX Conference. Totally, we have 4 workshops, 2 are in the morning and the other 2 are in the afternoon. One of the workshops play a board game, UX in the Jungle. If you are not a UXer also want to get an experience of UXer, you can not miss it! Each workshop has limited number of people; therefore, keynotes will run in different place but at the same time.
*10/22 You have to choose you want to join workshops or keynotes. We will announce when we are going to registration and date.
KKTIX 2-Day Pass (10/21 ~ 10/22)